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Course Development and Instructional Improvement Program


The Course Development and Instructional Improvement Program (CDIIP) is on pause for the 2025-26 academic year.

While CDIIP funding will not be available during this time, faculty seeking support for teaching improvement and digital resource creation can explore resources through the Teaching and Learning Commons and Educational Innovation. Additionally, those looking for funding opportunities may consider the UC Online Block Funding Program which supports the development of online courses. Each UC campus has a liaison who serves as the primary contact for project funding, and at UC San Diego, Educational Innovation is leading this effort. More information can be found here and here


The Course Development and Instructional Improvement Program (CDIIP) provides funding to support faculty projects that enhance undergraduate instruction and to encourage faculty experimenting with new instructional technologies including (but not exclusively) the creation of digital resources such as open/free textbooks, online labs, flipped courses, or adaptations that make courses more accessible, more experiential, or improve student success. Funding is available in two forms:

  • Small Projects (<$7.5K)- not available during the 2025-2026 year
    • Oftentimes these projects primarily include equipment and undergraduate/graduate student costs
  • Other Projects (<$50K)- not available during the 2025-2026 year 
    • Faculty are encouraged to meet with the Teaching and Learning Commons to discuss their proposal.
      • Include a description of any work with the Commons in the application
    • Faculty are encouraged meet with Educational Technology Services (ETS) if the budget includes a technology component 
      • Include an endorsement letter and/or a description of any work with ETS in the application
    • The departmental chair must include a letter of recommendation/endorsement that addresses:
      • Plan for sustainability
      • Budget justification (must include details for any summer salary (note that only one summer ninth can be used per proposal regardless of the number of PI's), undergraduate/graduate student support (include hourly rate), equipment, maintenance, etc.)
      • Description of how the proposal supports the departmental mission
      • Explanation of how work related to proposal exceeds normal expectations for faculty/department course development
  • Examples of Previously Approved CDIIP Projects

The CDIIP Committee looks for projects that improve the quality of undergraduate education, impact many students, improve time-to-degree, and increase interactions between faculty and students. We especially encourage proposals that address the varied needs and perspectives of the student population, as well as proposals that address courses that are impacted by large waitlists, high D-F-W rates, and/or equity gaps in grade distributions. Faculty members are encouraged to develop projects with comprehensive strategies to improve undergraduate instruction in collaboration with their academic units and the Teaching + Learning Commons. Awardees may be asked to present their findings and results to a broader university audience in order to facilitate sharing of best practices and promote broader impact of the work.

All proposals should consider the following resources and consultations:

Faculty members are encouraged to consult with the Library for assistance in identifying topical ebooks, media, open educational resources, digital scholarship tools, and other information resources already available to faculty and students. Faculty seeking to develop online resources should consult with the Digital Learning Hub of the Teaching + Learning Commons to determine availability of support and resources before submitting a proposal. Educational Technology Services (ETS) also offers a wide range of instructional technology support, and faculty are encouraged to consult with ETS on their project/ideas to utilize and exhaust available funding prior to submission.  

Proposals that involve course re-design, course creation, or the development of hybrid courses:

The CDIIP is not specifically aimed at supporting the development of fully-online classes. However, faculty interested in developing hybrid and online classes are highly encouraged to discuss their interests with the Digital Learning Hub in the Commons. Additionally, if projects involve course redesign, it is strongly recommended that faculty take the Course Design Series or consult with the Commons to get an endorsement for the course idea. Alternate avenues of support for course development in these cases might be available (e.g. the UCOP Innovative Learning Technology Initiative).

Proposals are reviewed by the CDIIP Committee. The Executive Vice Chancellor makes final allocation decisions.

AY 2025-26- Program on Pause

Application deadline: 
Announcement of awards:
Funds available:
Progress report due: 


Application Criteria

  • Full-time senate faculty who are engaged in undergraduate education are eligible to submit proposals.
  • Awards are made in the form of grants to cover expenses including but not limited to faculty release time, faculty summer support, summer undergraduate/graduate student support, support for Educational Technology Services or other technical assistance, materials, or other justifiable expenses.
  • Applications must include a plan for assessing student learning outcomes and for sustaining the project efforts beyond the duration of the grant.
  • A progress report for each CDIIP award is due on June 15 of the following year.
  • A letter from the department chair and endorsement from the Commons and/or Educational Technology Services are also required for many grants applications (see above).



Please contact John Moore, Dean of Undergraduate Education (, for questions regarding the CDIIP.


Application Instructions- Program Paused for the 2025-26 Year

Due to campus single sign-on time limit restrictions, each session can last only 60 minutes. If you exceed this time, your responses may be lost. Therefore, we recommend that you answer the questions below in a separate document and then copy your responses to the application form.

When you are ready, use the CDIIP Application Form to enter your information.

Link to Application Form- Program Paused for the 2025-26 Year


  1. Project Title
  2. Project Type
    • Course re-design
    • Course creation
    • Development of hybrid course
    • Creation of digital resources
    • Other course enhancements
  3. Project Overview (<500 words- and please note if you propose to address a "high impact" course)
  4. Development Timeline- give a brief outline of the project goals and deadlines (<200 words)
  5. Please add your itemized budget and line-item justification for funds (i.e. explain the need for purchasing something vs. using what the campus can provide via loans, or how this goes beyond what departments/programs are traditionally expected to contribute toward continual improvement of courses and routine course development, etc. Additionally, please detail how the unit will sustain resources/funds (if applicable)).  
    • If your budget includes an Educational Technology Services (ETS) technology or service component, please provide documentation and justification from your meeting with ETS.
    • If your budget includes summer salary (note that only a total of one summer ninth can be used per proposal, regardless of the number of PI’s), or undergraduate/graduate student support (include hourly rate), or salary for another position, please add:
      1. Detailed documentation and confirmation on salary, and include your MSO or Academic Personnel Officer/Financial Officer information (name and email).
      2. A description/justification for how that time will be spent in support of the goals of the proposal.
    • If materials are requested, please distinguish between one-time costs and recurring costs (including resupply and service costs), and how the unit plans to sustain resources for any recurring costs.
    • Please note that the following is not appropriate for funding request:
      1. Resupply of classroom consumables (reagents, media, etc.) beyond an initial supply for new instructional activities, or replacement of existing classroom equipment where the educational activity remains the same/similar
      2. General classroom AV or other improvements not tied to a specific educational innovation
      3. Purchase of dual-use equipment (research and teaching) except in circumstances where the educational (class affiliated) use is clearly the predominant use.
      4. Routine updates or revisions to classes not tied to the adoption of new or novel pedagogical approach
  1. Total Budget Amount Requested
  2. Any department/division/external match of funds?
  3. Please explain (if appropriate) how the project might impact time-to-degree, the closing of achievement gaps, student retention and/or inclusion, or other key EDI objectives of the university and the program. Be specific and provide any evidence you have to support your claims.
  4. How will the project improve the quality of undergraduate education and/or increase interactions between faculty and students? (<500 words)
  5. How will the instructional improvement address the varied needs and perspectives of your student population? Specifically, discuss your student population paying attention to diversity, equity, inclusion, underserved student populations (i.e. first-generation, low-income, underrepresented students, etc.), the pedagogical challenge your project addresses, and whether/how your approach will make the class more accessible to more students. (<250 words)
  6. What methods of assessment will be used to measure the impact of the improvement on student learning outcomes, what is your goal in terms of impact, and how will you quantify that impact? Please note these assessments address the impact of the project on student mastery of the material, not individual student performance (i.e. student GPA). (<250 words)
  7. If your project includes a course creation, a course re-design, creation of digital resources, or other specific course enhancement elements, please identify the primary learning outcomes developed in the course:
    • Written Communication
    • Oral Communication
    • Quantitative Reasoning
    • Information Literacy
    • Critical Thinking
    • Other (please specify)
    • Not Applicable 
  8. If your project includes a course creation, a course re-design, creation of digital resources, or other specific course enhancement elements, please identify additional competencies developed by students in this course:
    • Critical Thinking & Problem Solving
    • Research Ability
    • Oral, Written, & Digital Communication
    • Teamwork & Cross-Cultural Collaboration
    • Understanding Global Context
    • Leadership
    • Professionalism & Integrity
    • Self-Reflection
    • Career Development
    • Digital Information Fluency
    • Civic Engagement & Social Responsibility
    • Innovation & Entrepreneurial Thinking
    • Other (please specify)
    • Not Applicable 
  9. Describe your plan for sustainability of this project beyond the duration of this funding period. If relevant, describe any pedagogical research you plan to conduct related to the project. (<250 words)
  10. Describe any collaboration with other departments, academic units, Educational Technology Services, and/or the Teaching + Learning Commons as it relates to this instructional improvement (<250 words)
  11. Please add your recommendation/endorsement letter from the department chair (required).
  12. Please add any additional endorsement letters you may have received from the Educational Technology Services, and/or the Teaching + Learning Commons (if applicable).